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Journey to True Nature

Welcome to True Nature. We aim to provide a supportive journey toward restoring balance and harmony within your life. We value each persons inner wisdom and strive to support our clients on their unique journey to wholeness, to their true nature. We take a holistic approach that incorporates mind, body, and soul wellness practices.

As a child I felt a connection to animals and nature. I could often be found making mud pies, climbing trees, playing in the lawn and begging to rescue or take in any animal that crossed my path. As adults our playful and creative connection to nature begins to be clouded by our busy, on the go lifestyles. I loved the years I spent in the city and had long forgotten my childhood dreams of horses and nature. After one particularly rough year my partner and I took a trip to the mountains, stayed in a yurt on a 40 acre horse farm. Something shifted that week and I knew I had found transformation through slowing down, honoring Earth’s magic and connecting to wildlife. It was as if I was being called home to inner peace and harmony. I reconnected with my love of horses that weekend and awakened my soul. I knew it was time to shift my life and began the quest to bring True Nature to fruition. Two years later we moved from the city to a 5 acre space and began creating the experiences and space we are eager to share with you today.

You’ve heard about “self care“ , meditation, and “self compassion”, but don’t really know what that looks like or if its for you. Maybe you’ve been thinking of starting psychotherapy but wish there was another option to in office or virtual talk therapy. We understand and are here to offer you something different. Perhaps you have always been curious about connecting to horses but never had access, or you never saw yourself represented in the farm and horse world. All you know is something needs to change and you are in need of nourishment and support. We get it! We are here for you!

With over 30 years combined experience in health and wellness, we offer a wide variety of practices including, Equine facilitated Psychotherapy and Learning, gentle and trauma conscious yoga, mindfulness practices, bodywork, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. We value diversity and are a culturally sensitive, trauma informed, LGBTQIA+ affirming practice.

Our “office” space is located in Crete, IL. We offer retreat style experiences and equine facilitated Psychotherapy therapy and personal growth on our 5 acre farmette, just 45 minutes south of downtown Chicago. We are excited to share our love of nature and connection to all beings. We cant wait to connect and support you on your journey to wellness!

Jennifer A Baker, LCPC, RYT, TCYM-YT

Co-Founder and Psychotherapist